Feeling sleepy?

How often do you say these:
”I’m too tired to sleep.”
”I had a bad night.”
”I’m sorry I have to cancel, I’m just too tired.”

There’s no shame in sleeping poorly or needing a lot of sleep. A society that pushes us to be very productive is also pushing us to leave sleep by the wayside. And this has its consequences. Poor sleep affects your brain function, it affects the food that you crave, it affects the way you interact with your colleagues, friends and loved' ones.

If you would like to make a change in your sleeping habits, I’m here. I offer one-on-one customised programs lasting from 4 to 6 weeks to help you get a grip on your sleep and stress levels, as the two often go hand-in-hand.

After our free initial consultation, a 4 week coaching program with me might look something like this:

In the first session, we might focus on immediate relief, how you can ensure you are able to fall asleep easily tonight? What techniques can you use? What should you avoid in order to not only get enough sleep, but that the quality of your sleep is adequate?

At the end of this and every other session, you’ll receive a personalised audio exercise to help you fall asleep.

In the second session, we can focus on the long term; how might you make small changes to re-organise your evenings and nights to ensure easy, restful sleep. What can you do before bed instead of streaming blue light into your eyes? How to you build an evening ritual that works for you? What are your hurdles?

In the third session, we could discuss a number of common problem; how can you get back to sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night? How do you deal with that groggy feeling in the morning? What do you do when you wake up after a nightmare?

In our final session, there’s any number of things we can discuss. Maybe you need help communicating your new sleep schedule to your partner or family, perhaps you’d like to discuss what you can do with your new-found energy. Like I said, we can personalise this program to suit your specific needs.

At the end of our program together, you’ll have a new lease on life, a number of techniques to help you get sleep and rest every single night. You’ll also have four personalised audio exercises that are yours to keep forever.


Need to work on your sleep? 

Book a free 30 minute consultation through the form below: